German Medical Association Warns Against Giving Pandemrix To Young Children & Pregnant Women

IrishTimes.Com DEREK SCALLY in Berlin

By Brocke TruthImage@Internode.On.Net

By Brocke TruthImage@Internode.On.Net

THE GERMAN Medical Association (BAK) has advised against giving young children and pregnant women the new swine flu vaccine Pandemrix, containing an immune system-stimulating compound.

“We know the effects of the various ingredients in adjuvant vaccines but not the combined effect. It’s understandable that people are wary of getting jabs of drug cocktails.”

Health authorities in Ireland and Germany have recommended swine flu vaccination and have ordered the same two vaccines – Celvapan by Baxter and Pandemrix by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).

The latter was licensed last month by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for use on all people except children under six months.

But Pandemrix has divided health professionals in Germany.

Many leading paediatricians, virus experts and medical organisations are concerned about the “adjuvant” booster compound it contains and oppose its use in high-risk groups until more long-term data are collected.

“While Pandemrix contains no components that are completely unknown to us, the more components a vaccine has, the greater the chance of side effects,” said Prof Lothar Wieler of the Institute for Microbiology and Animal (Epizootic) Diseases at Berlin’s Free University.

“Thus I think young children would be better off with non-adjuvant vaccines.”

The EMA licensed Pandemrix in September in an expedited process of “rolling review”.

A GSK spokesperson confirmed yesterday that the company would monitor the effects of the vaccine in an ongoing clinical trial.

The company says it hasn’t had the opportunity to collect a significant amount of data on the use of Pandemrix, but that it has experience with similar vaccines for seasonal flu, bird flu, as well as data on the use of adjuvants.

But Germany’s DAK opposes the vaccine’s use in risk-groups saying that, since the risks of swine flu are lower than initially feared, it would be unwise to rely exclusively on new vaccines containing adjuvants if alternatives are available.

“If there was only a risk of mild side effects, one could ignore them in the face of the danger of a pandemic,” said Dr Montgomery, DAK vice- president.

“But what we don’t know from less-researched vaccines is the long-term damage that might only occur in one case in a million.

“That only becomes a matter of consequence in a mass vaccination programme.”

As in Germany, the HSE in Ireland has ordered Pandemrix and Celvapan, although the latter has yet to arrive.

“Currently what’s being distributed is Pandemrix,” said a HSE spokesperson, “but we’re satisfied that both have good safety profiles.

“Both are licensed for use both by the European Medical Agency and the Irish Medicines Board,” the HSE said.

This article appears in the print edition of the Irish Times

About Clare Swinney

Committed to awakening those still asleep. Please keep an open mind and do your own research before you jump to conclusions. WebofEvidence on YouTube: Clare on Bitchute:
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11 Responses to German Medical Association Warns Against Giving Pandemrix To Young Children & Pregnant Women

  1. kelly says:

    This is one association I have learned to read more from! Thank u for translating non-English news! Retweeted to my network as well: (sorry – can’t help it!)

  2. john says:

    My wife received the pandemrix vaccine on Wednesday the 28th of October. She is 16 weeks pregnant and has previous history of Hodgskins lymphona,but in remission for 5 yrs now.
    ever since receiving the vaccine she has been laid up with flu like symptoms and is still 5 days later vomiting and feverish. I am not going to get the vaccine now or will I let my children get it due to the extreme side effects my wife is suffering

  3. Leesa says:

    I had it a few days ago (the pandemrix) and all I’ve experienced is soreness of the injection site coupled with joint pain in the injected arm.

  4. natasha thomass says:

    i am 23 weeks pregnant. since having the jab i have had muscle ache and headache but i am startin to feel better and i can stil feel the baby kicking

    • Clare Swinney says:

      Should Pregnant Women Be Vaccinated?

      In this talk from Dr Russell Blaylock, he addresses the matter of whether pregnant women should be vaccinated against the flu. One of the reasons they are is because it was formerly believed that infection with the flu virus during pregnancy caused an increased incidence of schizophrenia or autism in the offspring as they reached adulthood or aged.

      Dr Blaylock

      It has since been established, using hard science, that the higher incidences of schizophrenia and autism were not due to the flu virus itself, but due to the immune cytokines generated by the mother in response to the virus, entering the baby’s brain and causing abnormal brain development. Vaccination causes the same cytokine response, and the risk of developing these problems that are supposedly being avoided by vaccinating are instead increased in the order of 14-fold. “I can not think of anything more insane than vaccinating pregnant women,” offers Dr Blaylock.

  5. bas says:

    who do you believe? my son is scheduled for the swine flu vaccine, is it worth it? who do you trust? esp since the pharmaceutical companies are making a bomb out of this, majority of info sent out will be positively based, and poor physicians/GPs follow what their told and recommend despite whether good or not.

  6. Clare Swinney says:

    Hi bas,
    I suggest you listen to this advice from Finland’s former Chief Medical Officer, who knows what is going on behind the scenes:

    Flashback: Finland’s Former Chief Medical Officer Talks Candidly About Vaccines & The Depopulation Agenda

  7. bas says:

    thank-you that was informative, amazing how this is never shown in mainstream media and how these large pharmecuetical companies are exempt from liability. i have printed info from the european medical agency in regards to swine flu vaccines and reading it makes you want to run and have the vaccine as otherwise we will all die. Sadly the effect is very strong and people are queueing up to have it.

  8. Thanks for your information friends

  9. Jeff Lyons says:

    Me, my wife, and our two children have all had the Pandemix vaccine and we’re all absolutely FINE.

    Stories about the so-called harm of vaccines are dangerous nonsense.

    How many cases of small-pox, polio or dyptheria have you heard people suffering from in the West? None, because these diseases have been successfully eradicated by vaccination programmes.

    And how many new epidemics of measles have there been since Andrew Wakefield’s study [sic] of 12 patients with an alleged link between the MMR vaccine and autism?

    A lawsuit recently concluded in the USA, brought by the parents of autistic children claiming the MMR link. The judge reviewed over 650 medical articles and took into account a study of several million recipients of the MMR vaccine to find that there is no link.

    It’s good to question authority but dangerous to swallow junk science whole.


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