James Corbett: The Revolution Of The Mind Is The Only Revolution That Matters

JamesCorbettsmall To mark The Corbett Report’s 100th Podcast in the Infowar, Web of Evidence set out to learn about the man behind the website.

By Clare Swinney

James Corbett, the webmaster and host of The Corbett Report uses his work like a kind of riptide, to pull audiences beneath the surface of the corporate-controlled media’s lies and expose the true nature of the matrix being set up around them. He does this well.

Corbett Report LogoDriven by a sense of urgency to spread the word about the New World Order, his prose crackles with interesting insights and is often poignant and empowering.  Like the special teacher everyone’s had who made an impression and provided encouragement and vision at a critical moment, while he reveals the predatory and psychopathic nature of the ruling elite, he also makes people aware they have the ability to take the course of history into their own hands and can do something that can make a difference too.   He provides living proof of this.

Since the birth of The Corbett Report in May 2007, this dedicated thirty-year old Canadian has compiled a noteworthy body of work to help to expose that 9/11 was an inside job, man-made global warming is a hoax and that the central banking system is based on a fraud, plus plenty more.  He’s made memorable videos, conducted close to one hundred interviews with a wide range of  subjects, including Daniel Estulin, Alex Jones and Dr Tim Ball, and at the time of writing was on the verge of producing his one hundredth hour-long podcast.   As listeners of these will know, this represents a major achievement, as it’s evident he does a considerable amount of research for each illuminating episode of The Corbett Report.

In spite of all his top-quality work,  little has been written about him, so this week Web of Evidence interviewed this unsung hero to find out more about him.

What prompted you to start the website?

“I guess 9/11 was what started my awakening, but it was an awakening that took years to really come to fruition. I knew that something was happening on an earth-shaking scale, but I didn’t understand it in all its implications.  I was 21, turning 22.  I had just graduated with my B.A. from the University of Calgary.  I was fresh-faced and didn’t really understand the implications of what was happening. For a few years I could not contemplate that there was a U.S. government plot.  It was too much for me to comprehend.

In 2006, when living in Japan, I moved into an apartment and it was the first time in years that I had had the Internet in my apartment.  As I hadn’t had the Internet in my apartment for years, in the intervening time there were a lot of key developments I had been unaware of, including Google Video, YouTube and Podcasts.  It was overwhelming as I hadn’t seen it developing.  I found I could have any information I wanted to in seconds, so it only took weeks to change my political paradigm.

911 the road to tyrannyOne film that really had an effect on me was 9/11 The Road to Tyranny by Alex Jones, as it exposed that there was a larger system at play.  It wasn’t just 9/11.

The thing that eventually pushed me over the edge was the film The Money Masters and after that point I realized how banks operate and became aware of the entire fraud that is our monetary system.  I suddenly understood how a small group of people could truly hold the reigns of our society.  At that point I was fully awake.

Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Then the last piece of the puzzle was listening to the Alex Jones show.  It truly was Alex Jones’ message that “You can get out there and take action,” and “You can effect change in your own way.”  And after I heard that clarion call, I knew that I had to do something and I knew I could not live with myself knowing all of this information and not putting it out there, not doing something.  So truly my only motivation, my only thought was to try to help get this information out in some way.

My initial idea was to burn Alex Jones shows to CD and hand them out to friends. Eventually I realized I could reach more people if I worked on the Internet and so started my own website and I never, ever dreamed that it would be as successful, or as big as it already has been and it just continually blows me away.”

What do you try and achieve with each podcast?

“Certainly each episode is geared around a certain topic and I try to Micexplore each topic as thoroughly as I can, but I think perhaps a mistake I used to make is that I used to beat myself up as I wasn’t able to include all of the information, and not encapsulating the entire topic into a single episode.

I’ve since come to the realization I simply can’t do that. I know that the people who listen to the podcast are extremely well informed and extremely informative people and they are always contacting me and giving me great ideas, so I now understand that what I do is simply to start the process of trying to collate some of the information and then sending it out into the world, and then I know all of my incredible listeners will take that information, transmute it, add to it and it will take on a whole new life when it gets out there. So basically, all I am trying to do right now is to put together something to start collecting information on a topic I think is of importance.”

What do you know about the characteristics of your audience?

“My subscribers seem to be about half male, half female, and I receive feedback in about equal proportions. There’s a website that purports to tell you the demographics of who is visiting your site. I have no idea how any outside website could possibly calculate such information – it is part of the ever-evolving online panopticon I suppose – but it claims my audience is ‘well-educated’ and ‘somewhat male’. YouTube claims the majority of my video viewers are males aged 35 and up. If there is any similarity in the backgrounds, professions or affiliations of my listeners, I certainly haven’t been able to glean it by the feedback I receive, as my correspondents seem to come from every walk of life.”

How much impact do you think journalists working on the Internet in the Infowar have had in the last few years? House of cards

“Something that struck me recently is that the impact we see, that we can tabulate, is incredible.   My podcast now has 4,000 downloads every week from all around the world.  I have been contacted from pretty much every continent, except for Antarctica and South America now.  One of my listeners recently pointed out that there is an information underground that is really shaping up. People are printing things out, handing out CDs and spreading information via word of mouth. It is spreading so much further than we could ever calculate.  I think people generally would be surprised just how much impact journalists on the web have had.  However, we won’t know how much until perhaps things hit the fan. That will be the real test of where we stand.”

Were there events during your upbringing that sharpened your interest in politics?

“There were no formative political events. I’ve always been a politically interested person. 9/11 was the event that eventually got me to where I am now.”

What have you studied and what did you enjoy learning about?

“I was a very large fan of James Joyce and Samuel Beckett when I was studying English Literature for a B.A. at the University of Calgary, which is a large part of the reason why I did a Masters degree in Ireland.  I did a Master of Philosophy at Trinity College in Dublin and graduated in 2003.”

Why did you choose Ireland for post-grad study?

“I was a devotee of Joyce during my undergrad years and was quite interested in how such a tiny country could produce so many world-class writers – for instance, Swift, Wilde, Joyce, Yeats, Beckett and Banville.  From that perspective alone studying in Ireland was a dream come true.”

When did you move to Japan?

“I came to Japan 5 years ago, in 2004 and now live on the west side of the main island, about half way between Osaka and Hiroshima.”

What does your average week entail?

“It entails going to teach English for a 9-to-5 job, 5 days a week and coming home and working on the website. I spend an incredible amount of time on the website – normally about 30 to 40 hours on it each week, so that is pretty much my main preoccupation.”

How does it make you feel that the ID cards in Japan are going to contain track and trace chips for overseas visitors, given what you know about the ultimate goals of the controllers?

“It is absolutely horrifying, but I don’t know if that quite captures it.  I was just doing some research today going over Edwin Black’s book, IBM Death camp in Polandand The Holocaust, and going over those connections, about how the holocaust really was automated through the use of census and punch cards, and how that tied in with census cards that people for example in occupied Poland had to carry around with them on penalty of execution if they didn’t have the census forms with them, and knowing that this deep, rich vein of history of tyrants always seeking  to try to control people and using these instruments of cataloguing and tracking and tracing people as ways to basically implement the final solution, I guess the only word that strikes me is horrifying, but I don’t think that captures the reality of the situation.”

Do you feel safer working as an Infowarrior in Japan than you would have done in Canada?

“I haven’t been harassed by any of the authorities in Japan and that might be a function of working entirely in English to an audience that is overseas. I haven’t had any interference. The work I would be doing would be different in Canada.”

Seeing Yukihisa Fujita of Democratic Party of Japan questioning 9/11 at the Diet gives the impression a lot of people are involved in the 9/11 truth movement in Japan. Is that soYukihisa Fujita

“It is difficult to gauge, as a generalization, the Japanese, at least the Japanese I know don’t give off the outward appearance of being interested in politics. I have encountered people in Japan who know about the 9/11 truth movement and I have been to the 9/11 conference in Osaka. There is a movement out here, but it’s difficult to ascertain as the Japanese keep their cards close to their chest.”

I heard you are writing a book. Is that right?

“Yes, I am and it’s coming along.  It’s a collection of essays. Reportage: Essays on the New World Order. It’s looking as if there are 13 or 14 essays included, all of which will be brand new essays, never before seen on the website. It will cover the topics I’ve covered on The Corbett Report, but really it’s the summation of the three years of research and work I’ve put into the website. It will be out before the end of the year and I will make it happen.  It’s something I’m extremely excited about.”

Is one of the reasons for writing this owing to the censorship that will ensue under Internet 2?

“That is absolutely one of the things that is on my mind. If the plans unfold the way they seem to be going, then there will come a time when the Internet will be inaccessible. I always encourage people to – and I know a lot of people are – making physical backups of the shows and passing them around on CDs, and things like that, which is one way to maintain that information underground that is so vital to what is happening these days.   I know there may come a time when we won’t even have access to that.  In the bleakest scenario that is one reason for writing the book now. Also, I think it is extremely important for us to focus on reaching people who we can’t reach via the Internet, in whatever we can and I think a book is an excellent way to do that.  I am excited about the whole process really.”

Who is your favourite author?

“William Faulkner is perhaps my favourite author with Absalom, Absalom! being one of the supreme works of literature in the English language. Since starting the website, however, I have found my tastes have changed completely. I have no time – both literally and figuratively speaking for works of literature anymore, as I find non-fiction to be much more interesting.  For example, I read an article from Wired magazine from 1993 today that breaks down the Inslaw/PROMIS/Octopus story in a way so riveting, that I can’t imagine why I used to find literature so fascinating.”

In Dr Len Horowitz’s opinion one of the big problems we have Dr Horowitztoday is that many have been brought up in loving homes and consequently have great difficultly grasping that those in power can be as evil as they evidently are.  Would you care to comment?

“Well absolutely, that’s a key element of understanding what is happening. For many, many years I have been unable to contemplate the idea that there are “good people” or “evil people.”  Even the idea sounded silly to me for so many years. Of course everybody has good and bad sides and good and bad elements and I still of course think that is true, though having done the research that I’ve done and especially looking into psychopathy as a clinical pathology, it really struck me afresh that there is a segment of society completely incapable of feeling sympathy or anything that most people would understand as normal human emotions towards others.  I think until people start to realize that there could be such a huge dichotomy within the human species, I don’t think people can really fathom how such a system could possibly ever be developed.  Dr Horowitz is completely right. People simply can’t imagine that anyone would coldly, calculatingly take pleasure in crafting a system to control other human beings.  Basically, we are limited by our lack of imagination on this subject.”

Some say spiritual forces are behind the New World Order. What do you think?

“It’s an extremely important question and it’s one that I don’t tend to go into because the answer to it tends to divide people more than it puts people together.  My interest is not at looking at issues that are going to divide people, because of course, everyone has their own way of looking at the issue and I am not going to cast aspersions on people who have a Pentagramdifferent way of thinking about that matter than myself.  Frankly, I don’t care what people think on that matter per se, as long as we are heading in the same direction. And I know ultimately it is an important matter, and I don’t dismiss it, but I don’t want to dwell on it.  It could be very divisive to a movement of people who have so much in common.”

The information you are digesting is harrowing to say the very least. How do you maintain a positive outlook?

“Sometimes with difficulty. It is the type of information that can be overwhelming. When you take up this position like I have where I’m looking for these types of issues and trying to warn people about them, obviously then it becomes my duty to keep an eye on this information and be looking out for new dangers and new threats.  When you take up this position it is like being a police detective who has to investigate homicide – it starts to take a toll on you psychologically, on the way you see the world and the way you see people around you.  So it can be extremely gruelling at times and there are times when it does seem overwhelming.  However, as important as it is to be aware of the threats and the dangers we are facing, it is equally important to understand that we can have an impact on what is happening and that we are having an impact.   The only way we can be assured of defeat is to give up and defeat is not an option.”

Can you see the day when you’ll only focus on the Infowar and give up teaching English?

“I can’t see that day come quickly enough. Of course, the only hindrance is the one great hindrance of all things, which is money.  If I can figure out a way to make money or be financially independent, I would take it in a heartbeat.  All I want to do all day, every day, is to help get this information out.  Yes, I would very much like to pursue anything I can do in that regard in the future.”

JamesCorbett2In your opinion what’s the most important revolution for the sake of humanity?

“The important revolution is the only revolution that will ever achieve anything and that is the revolution of mind, because unless we understand the system that is enslaving us and unless we know who our enemy is and unless we know what they expect us to do, we will never be able to put up a resistance that matters.”

Is there anything you would like to add?

“I want to stress that everyone out there has the ability to take the course of history into their own hands and to do something with the call that I think everyone out there hears.  You can either choose to ignore that call or to take it.  If you do take it, then know that you are having an effect and what you do does matter.  If people understand that, then our victory is assured.”

Thank-you for your time. Keep up the good work.

About Clare Swinney

Committed to awakening those still asleep. Please keep an open mind and do your own research before you jump to conclusions. WebofEvidence on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyTh2WC7w_8GYD6ZecXUQMQ Clare on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/1z2iaeXTln25/
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4 Responses to James Corbett: The Revolution Of The Mind Is The Only Revolution That Matters

  1. Gwen says:

    I am a long time listener of the Corbett report and just wanted to mention that I was absolutely glad to find someone in the Internet who puts out this kind of information in such a clearly arranged way. The structure of the episodes is well-arranged and the fact that you can find links to all articles there makes it in my opinion the best website to gather information about this filthy system.

    Go on!

  2. Mike Philbin says:

    James Corbett needs to get a good agent (and a damned good lawyer) FAST – that book is gonna make (or break) his name.

    Interesting times.


  3. Jason Logan says:

    How can I send this to a friend? Jason

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